Method Create
Creates a new instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized to zero.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create()
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized to zero.
Creates a new instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(int capacity)
intThe initial capacity of the stream in bytes.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified.
Creates a new instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized to zero, and options to configure the stream instance.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(MemoryStreamSlimOptions options)
MemoryStreamSlimOptionsOptions to configure the stream instance.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized to zero.
Create(int, MemoryStreamSlimOptions)
Creates a new instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified, and options to configure the stream instance.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(int capacity, MemoryStreamSlimOptions options)
intThe initial capacity of the stream in bytes.
MemoryStreamSlimOptionsOptions to configure the stream instance.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified.
Creates a new instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized to zero, and a delegate to set up options for the stream instance.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions> optionsSetup)
Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions>Delegate to set up options to configure the stream instance.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized to zero.
Create(int, Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions>)
Creates a new instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified, and a delegate to set up options for the stream instance.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(int capacity, Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions> optionsSetup)
intThe initial capacity of the stream in bytes.
Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions>Delegate to set up options to configure the stream instance.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified.
Create<TState>(Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions, TState>, TState)
Creates a new instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized to zero, and a delegate to set up options for the stream instance.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create<TState>(Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions, TState> optionsSetup, TState state)
Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions, TState>Delegate to set up options to configure the stream instance.
TStateState data to pass to the options setup delegate.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized to zero.
Type Parameters
The type of the state data to pass to the options setup delegate.
Create<TState>(int, Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions, TState>, TState)
Creates a new instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified, and a delegate to set up options for the stream instance.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create<TState>(int capacity, Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions, TState> optionsSetup, TState state)
intThe initial capacity of the stream in bytes.
Action<MemoryStreamSlimOptions, TState>Delegate to set up options to configure the stream instance.
TStateState data to pass to the options setup delegate.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified.
Type Parameters
The type of the state data to pass to the options setup delegate.
Creates a new non-resizable instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified byte array.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(byte[] buffer)
byte[]The array of unsigned bytes from which to create the current stream.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified byte array.
This will return a Fixed model MemoryStreamSlim instance that simply wraps a standard MemoryStream instance around the provided buffer, and will not use any of the specialized memory management features of the Dynamic mode instances. In general, this should only be used to provide a consistent environment for code that expects a MemoryStreamSlim instance, or to allow the metric counters and logging available with MemoryStreamSlim, otherwise, there is no specific benefit to using this over a standard MemoryStream instance.
Create(byte[], bool)
Creates a new non-resizable instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified byte array with the CanWrite property set as specified.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(byte[] buffer, bool writable)
byte[]The array of unsigned bytes from which to create the current stream.
boolThe setting of the CanWrite property, which determines whether the stream supports writing.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified byte array with the CanWrite property set as specified.
This will return a Fixed model MemoryStreamSlim instance that simply wraps a standard MemoryStream instance around the provided buffer, and will not use any of the specialized memory management features of the Dynamic mode instances. In general, this should only be used to provide a consistent environment for code that expects a MemoryStreamSlim instance, or to allow the metric counters and logging available with MemoryStreamSlim, otherwise, there is no specific benefit to using this over a standard MemoryStream instance.
Create(byte[], int, int)
Creates a new non-resizable instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified region (index) of a byte array.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
byte[]The array of unsigned bytes from which to create the current stream.
intThe index in buffer at which the stream begins.
intThe length of the stream in bytes.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified region (index) of a byte array.
This will return a Fixed model MemoryStreamSlim instance that simply wraps a standard MemoryStream instance around the provided buffer, and will not use any of the specialized memory management features of the Dynamic mode instances. In general, this should only be used to provide a consistent environment for code that expects a MemoryStreamSlim instance, or to allow the metric counters and logging available with MemoryStreamSlim, otherwise, there is no specific benefit to using this over a standard MemoryStream instance.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException
The index or count is outside the bounds of the buffer.
Create(byte[], int, int, bool)
Creates a new non-resizable instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified region of a byte array, with the CanWrite property set as specified.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(byte[] buffer, int index, int count, bool writable)
byte[]The array of unsigned bytes from which to create the current stream.
intThe index in buffer at which the stream begins.
intThe length of the stream in bytes.
boolThe setting of the CanWrite property, which determines whether the stream supports writing.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified region of a byte array, with the CanWrite property set as specified.
This will return a Fixed model MemoryStreamSlim instance that simply wraps a standard MemoryStream instance around the provided buffer, and will not use any of the specialized memory management features of the Dynamic mode instances. In general, this should only be used to provide a consistent environment for code that expects a MemoryStreamSlim instance, or to allow the metric counters and logging available with MemoryStreamSlim, otherwise, there is no specific benefit to using this over a standard MemoryStream instance.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException
The index or count is outside the bounds of the buffer.
Create(byte[], int, int, bool, bool)
Creates a new non-resizable instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified region of a byte array, with the CanWrite property set as specified, and the ability to call GetBuffer() set as specified.
public static MemoryStreamSlim Create(byte[] buffer, int index, int count, bool writable, bool publiclyVisible)
byte[]The array of unsigned bytes from which to create the current stream.
intThe index in buffer at which the stream begins.
intThe length of the stream in bytes.
boolThe setting of the CanWrite property, which determines whether the stream supports writing.
booltrue to enable GetBuffer(), which returns the unsigned byte array from which the stream was created; otherwise, false.
- MemoryStreamSlim
An instance of the MemoryStreamSlim class based on the specified region of a byte array, with the CanWrite property set as specified, and the ability to call GetBuffer() set as specified.
This will return a Fixed model MemoryStreamSlim instance that simply wraps a standard MemoryStream instance around the provided buffer, and will not use any of the specialized memory management features of the Dynamic mode instances. In general, this should only be used to provide a consistent environment for code that expects a MemoryStreamSlim instance, or to allow the metric counters and logging available with MemoryStreamSlim, otherwise, there is no specific benefit to using this over a standard MemoryStream instance.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException
The index or count is outside the bounds of the buffer.