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StringBuilder Throughput Benchmarks

This benchmark compares the throughput performance of StringBuilder class instances managed with the StringBuilderCache class ('Cached StringBuilders') with operations that instantiate a new StringBuilder class for each use ('Unique StringBuilders'). The operations are run on a single thread using a single instance of the StringBuilder at a time.


The benchmark results show that utilizing the StringBuilderCache class consistently outperforms using unique instances of the StringBuilder class in all scenarios. The throughput performance and the memory allocation overhead of using the StringBuilderCache class is significantly better than instantiating a new StringBuilder instance for each use. The StringBuilderCache class is designed to reuse instances of the StringBuilder class, which eliminates the overhead of creating and disposing of instances and internal buffers used during the lifetime of an application.

Benchmark Operations

A single benchmark operation consists of performing a loop of steps that does the following:

  1. Acquire an instance of the StringBuilder class.
  2. Append pre-allocated test string segments to the StringBuilder instance.
  3. Get the built string from the StringBuilder instance.
  4. Release the StringBuilder instance back to the cache.[^1]

[^1]: This step only applies in the StringBuilderCache case; for the unique StringBuilder case, the StringBuilder instance is simply allowed to be garbage collected.

HTML Report

Since the benchmark results can create rather large tables, and the Markdown tables can be hard to absorb with the horizontal and vertical table scrolling, the results are also provided in a separate HTML file.

This can be found here.